All about the Vivace blend

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Are you already familiar with Caffè Ernani Vivace blend?

It is the perfect blend to pair with milk, especially if you are looking for a nice caffeine boost!
The Vivace is also perfect for your restaurant, offering a full body and firm cream!
It is a creamy, intense, full-bodied blend dominated by a pleasant bitterness.

Read the article and find out:

  • Why it was created
  • The composition
  • Features
  • Roasting
  • The taste
  • To whom it is suitable
  • Extraction tips in espresso, mocha, filter and capsules!


Paul, as the roaster of Ernani, was looking for an intense blend with more bitterness than the other blends presented so far (Blue Diamond >>, Cheerful >>, Harmony >>), and energizing, thus perfect for starting the day.

All the while, however, always leaving that delicate freshness, given by the arabics present.

That is why he decided to include Central and South American Arabica coffees and some African robustas. The result had to be a blend where acidity, sweetness and bitterness did not overpower one another.

Composition of the mixture

The blend is composed of a higher percentage of robusta species coffee than arabica.

You will find specifically:

  • A delicate freshness brought by washed arabica: Colombia Supremo Finca la Meseta;
  • A good sweetness brought by natural arabica: the Brazilian Santo Cerrado Bom Chocolate;
  • And a slight bitterness brought by the robust naturals, from Congo, Tanzania and the Ivory Coast. This also brings good body to the cup, especially when extracted in espresso.

Sensory description

The taste is an intense coffee with distinct notes of cocoa, nuts and spices, all accompanied by a delicate fresh fruity note.

Occasion of use

The amount of caffeine present makes it perfect as a morning coffee for an energizing breakfast.

Suitable for

Vivace is therefore suitable for you if you are looking for an intense, creamy, full-bodied coffee with a pleasant bitterness and delicate fruity notes.

Medium Toast

This is then enhanced by the Medium Toasting, Ernani’s distinctive signature on all its products, carried out separately for each single-origin.

The Medium Roast brings out all the natural flavors and merits of carefully selected raw coffee to the fullest, bringing the best of each bean into the cup.

Finally, it never makes the coffee overly bitter, so it is perfect to enjoy without sugar.

Beware, however, that just as it enhances all the merits, it also enhances all the flaws, so one must start from a high quality raw material!

Methods of extraction

Here are tips on the four possible macro draws:

  • Espresso
  • Mocha
  • Paper filter
  • Capsules

I anticipate that the Vivace performs best in espresso and capsules.


Espresso extract we recommend a dose of 7-7.5 g per person to obtain an intense and creamy cup, and a water temperature of 94°C.

A distinct cocoa and roasted aroma can be perceived on the nose, which we then find on the palate.

The acidity here is almost absent, recalling only some slight floral hints, while the bitterness is well present, though never annoying, with notes of bitter cocoa.

Overall, it is a good morning wake-up coffee.


It turns out a bit more bitter because of the extraction method and the associated high temperatures.

The acidities are completely absent, while the hint of cocoa is always present.

Paper Filter

When extracted in a filter, few scents and little intensity are perceived on the nose.

It is indeed not an exceptional coffee for filter extractions, but it has no negative notes either.

Compared to other coffees, it expresses little flavor spectrum in filter.


It is very similar to espresso, but differs in greater sweetness and less bitterness, thus being more balanced overall.

To find out how to extract coffee the best with all the extraction methods, watch @caffeernani’s videos on:

Or write us at [email protected] or on whatsapp at +39 3756879940, to get all the information about our Ernani Academy’s Brewing (alternative extraction methods to espresso) course!

Martina Mazzoleni

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager
Coffee Lover


Martina Mazzoleni

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager Coffee Lover

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