All Ernani Coffee Academy courses + new course

I maestri della tostatura media
Foto di Paolo, il tostatore di Ernani con un portafiltro della macchina da Espresso.

In 2020, we inaugurated the Ernani Academy, the academy with a 360-degree look at the world of coffee, in order to train professionals, but without excluding any coffee lovers or curious people, to grow together around the culture of good coffee.

Why did we create the Ernani Academy?

Torrefazione Ernani took shape from the desire of Luca and Claudia, two of the four founders, to be able to serve really good, intensely aromatic coffee without that classic burnt aftertaste and a strong bitter note.

Together with Paolo, the roaster of Caffè Ernani, they began the whole project with the desire to give a new life and a breath of fresh air to the Italian espresso.

The team’s continuous training and constant quest for improvement has given the staff a huge and unbridled passion for the roasted bean.

Having reached this point, it was obvious that we wanted to pass on all that we were learning and learning every day to you as well!

If we also consider the fact that practitioners often come from generational changes, where the craft is passed down through practical experience, and that’s just fine! However, you often lack the theoretical training behind you, which allows you to fully understand the variables of the bean and then know how to manipulate them to obtain an excellent and, above all, consistent product over time, without relying more on “chance.”

The Academy was mandatory, both for our clients and for all curious outsiders!

Discover the Ernani Academy

The Academy has 6 courses, covering the entire coffee supply chain, namely:

  1. Green Coffee – the course designed to acquire skills on the raw material processed, raw coffee, also called green coffee;
  2. Roasting – the perfect course to learn how to read the roasting curve and understand the different methods and levels;
  3. Cafeteria – the course suitable for professionals in the sector, to acquire knowledge on the raw material processed and on the extraction phase of the beverage;
  4. From single-origins to Ernani blends. – the dual-purpose course: introduction to the espresso tasting course and understanding how different coffees influence the flavor profile of the final blend;
  5. Espresso tasting – the course as a true sommelier, which will give you all the tools suitable for carrying out a complete organoleptic analysis of the espresso;
  6. Brewing – the course that requires the most manual skills of all, to deepen the methods of extraction of coffee as an alternative to espresso.
There is great news!!!

Starting in April 2024, the seventh course will be added:

Bar Management

The course with the goal of understanding how to conduct an economic and financial analysis of one’s business, calculating food cost, to forecast future investments and/or strategies.

1.Green Coffee

Course program:

  • Origin and type of green coffee;
  • Coffee harvesting and processing methods;
  • Examination of green coffee samples;
  • Organoleptic profile and area of ​​origin;
  • The defects of green coffee;
  • Marketing of raw coffee.

Time required: 4 hours.

Trainer: Paul and Martina.

2. Toasting

Course program:

  • Basic knowledge of green coffee and its selection;
  • The roasting process;
  • Useful tools for roasting;
  • Chemical-physical transformations of the coffee bean;
  • The roasting color;
  • Roasting test;
  • Tasting of roasted coffee.

Time required: 4 hours.

Trainer: Paul.

3. Cafeteria

Course program:

  • Basic knowledge of green coffee;
  • Selection of a good bench blend;
  • Definition of espresso;
  • Espresso extraction;
  • Equipment selection;
  • Equipment maintenance and cleaning.

Time required: 4 hours.

Trainer: Paul and Martina.

NB. You can also request the Latte Art course., but it will be done separately in another eight hours. To view available listings and options, email me at [email protected] or in the whatsapp chat here in the lower right corner!

5. Espresso tasting

Course program:

  • Basic knowledge of green coffee;
  • Basic knowledge of roasting levels;
  • Definition of espresso;
  • Sensory analysis;
  • Compilation of tasting cards;
  • Espresso coffee tasting and its description.

Time required: 6 hours.

Trainer: Martina.

6. Brewing

Course program:

  • Knowledge of green coffee;
  • Basic knowledge of roasting levels;
  • Definition of brewing with their basic recipe;
  • Practical extraction by different methods;
  • Coffee tasting and description.

Specifically you will use: Mocha, Napoletana, Chemex, V60, Clever, Aeropress, Flower, French press, Cold brew dripper, Brew bottle, and Syphon.

Time required: 5/6 hours.

Trainer: Paul and Martina.

7. Bar management

Course program:

  • How to start the Business, with Brand Identity analysis;
  • Formulation of goals with related strategies;
  • Calculate the Food Cost and the Break Even Point;
  • How to collect and analyze data, with provision of useful material for one’s own activity;
  • Work area organization and proposed offer;
  • Sales strategies.

Time required: 4 hours.

Trainer: Martina.

How to enroll in the Ernani Academy

All courses are held at the company’s headquarters in Desio, Via Don Luigi Sturzo, 19 (MB), or, if you work at a venue, we can come to you. However, there will have to be suitable requirements for the course to be conducted.

The courses, however, in Green Coffee and Bar Management, as these are only theoretical, can also be conducted via online video call.

We are usually available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. However, it is also possible to take the course on other days or time slots for a small extra charge per person.

How to book?

There is no real course calendar with set dates, as we have decided to be flexible to try to meet all your requests.

In fact, we know that those who work in this field often have only one day off, and this varies throughout the week, so feel free to write to us about your availability and we will make arrangements. That is why in the registration form we have left the option to enter the two dates that are most convenient for you.

Our only requests are:

  • A notice of at least 2 weeks before the desired date, so that we can prepare ourselves in the best possible way and offer you the best service;
  • A minimum of two participants. If you do not know anyone to participate with, we will enter you in our records and you will be contacted as soon as there is a vacancy.

Request for course activation:

[contact-form-7 id="18887"]

Some numbers:

  • 7 Courses available;
  • 365 days of availability per year;
  • More than 150 coffee lovers and industry professionals already trained at the Ernani Academy;
  • 400 square meters at your disposal;
  • 2 trainers: Paul and Martina


Paul Sangalli

Toastmaster, commercial agent and trainer

Trained at: Mumac Academy – SCA and AICAF courses, Brescia headquarters

Updates: continuous tasting and roasting workshops with top Italian industry experts.

Martina Mazzoleni

Marketing manager, e-commerce, social media manager and trainer

Trained at: Mumac Academy – SCA and AICAF courses, Brescia headquarters

Previous studies: Bachelor’s degree in Labor, Administration and Management, as well as a Master’s degree in Marketing & Sales

Updates: continuous workshops on tasting, bar management and food&beverage communication.

Choose your course and see you at Ernani Academy!

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager
Coffee Lover


Martina Mazzoleni

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager Coffee Lover

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