Caffè Ernani is more than just a coffee!

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Caffè Ernani is more than just a coffee!
Ernani is direct contact with the customer through our Torrefazione in Corso Buenos Aires, Milan.
It is wholesale distribution, thanks to which we have the honor of working with bartenders, real experts in the field.
It is advising restaurateurs, bartenders and consumers, because awareness is crucial when deciding to purchase and prepare a product.
Certainly these are not easy times, many of our colleagues, bar and restaurant owners, are really struggling, and it is not easy to be able to be positive all the time.

This is why in the sector as well., which stands for Hotellerie-Restaurant-Café, we want to be as close as possible to all our partners, with the aim of making this sensitive period more certain and stable.

The “how” is key: 24/7 availability with a range of free services.

We believe that consistently making our presence felt by all employees is important to build a real relationship of mutual trust and solidarity. The goal is to create a genuine, practical and mutually supportive partnership .

That is why we provide our customers with a range of complementary services free of charge, such as technical assistance, consulting or training.

In fact, when a barista or entrepreneur decides to rely on Caffè Ernani, he or she is not only buying coffee, but is also provided with all the right equipment to do his or her job in the best possible way.

And not only that!

Training is given, again free of charge, to learn how to use all the equipment in the best possible way, so that a perfect espresso, rich in aroma, round-bodied and with a velvety crema is extracted every time.

In addition, those who wish can also deepen their knowledge of coffee or even conduct advanced level courses.

Knowing the product you are dealing with is the key to providing impeccable service to end consumers.

But this is still not enough!

For any breakdown of the equipment we provide, we are ready to take immediate action with technical assistance to solve the problem and not cause inconvenience during service hours.

Finally, we also offer other types of consulting, such as digital marketing consulting.

Nowadays it is also important to be found online, a place where existing and potential new customers find you, read information, decide whether or not to go to a bar or restaurant, and finally find out what other people think about it.

From this you can see that presenting yourself in the right way is a real and concrete help to the success of your business.

All this is also possible remotely!

Finally, as already mentioned, what we are in is a very delicate period indeed, in which uncertainty reigns supreme.

Those of us faced with ever new DPCMs, regulations to adapt the venue to Covid-19, finding the new hygiene products, signs to be posted in every corner, measurements to be taken, signage to be installed, new working methods, and so on, did he not feel lost and uncertain about the correctness of his actions?

That’s why even at this time we have rolled up our sleeves to offer all the materials and advice to help adapt the premises in compliance with all current anti-covid regulations.

Because of all this we at Ernani are happy with every relationship we have built with our clients. Being alongside them also gives us the opportunity to grow professionally, as they are the real cup artists, who day after day offer Caffè Ernani to their customers. Feeling satisfied with our cooperation is enough for us to engage more and more.

“The passion for coffee never sleeps.”

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager
Coffee Lover


Martina Mazzoleni

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager Coffee Lover

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