Christmas in Torrefazione Ernani

I maestri della tostatura media
Foto alla Vetrina della Torrefazione Ernani a Milano, con tazze e palle di natale d'oro

Christmas has also arrived at Torrefazione Caffè Ernani in Milan!

Like every year, its windows are filled with baskets, bows, colors, lights and glitter, to welcome the warmth and joy of the holidays!

Coffee, chocolate, jams, honeys, biscuits, teas, infusions, cups, mugs, moke, Neapolitans and much more come together to create unique gifts.

We have already seen in another article all products and gift ideas that you can buy on our online shop and have them delivered comfortably where you want.

Today I show you the baskets that you can buy at our physical store: the Ernani roastery in Milan.

NB. All baskets have been hand-packaged with a lot of care and love by Claudia, owner of the business, Monia, a great barista who will soon become a mother for the first time, and by me, Martina, marketing manager.
All products have been selected by Fabio, the Roastery Bar Manager, seeking Italian character, craftsmanship and quality from small Italian producers.

Now I will show you some of the packages present, but remember that at Caffè Ernani, Corso Buenos Aires, 20 in Milan there are many others!

And if you still haven’t found what you were looking for, ask our staff directly to create a personalized one with what you like best! (*service available on Saturday and Sunday)!

Let’s see some!


Simple but rich!

A traditional Ernani moka for gas stove with double bottom and heat diffuser, yellow for three cups.

Together with a 250g packet of Allegro, the blend served at the roastery counter and loved by all the Milanese, ground for the moka.


A comfortable table bread box in fabric containing the Allegro Blend, as above, 250g ground for moka, together with a 250g pack of artisan biscuits.

All surrounded by mixed Venchi branded Christmas chocolates!


An Ernani mug, with the phrase or image of your choice, filled to the brim with mixed Venchi branded chocolates!

Choose from 8 different cup variations!


A colorful package for a content that is certainly appreciated: two different types of coffee!

Allegro, the blend served at the torrefazione and loved by all customers, 250g ground for mocha.

And Blue Diamond, the prestigious blend of the Torrefazione, 100% Arabica and above all winner of the Gold Medal 2022 at the International Coffee Tasting!

All combined with handcrafted biscuits and mixed Christmas chocolates branded Venchi!


If you know a coffee lover you MUST give him this gift: a box with 4 different types of coffee, ranging in all the different gustatory spheres: from the most delicate and fragrant to the most intense and bitter, to discover your own personal taste of coffee!

In fact, we find Allegro and Blue Diamond again, together with Armonia, the sweetest and chocolatiest blend of Ernani, 250g ground for mocha and the Stretto blend, the most intense, creamy and with greater bitterness.

Along with a nice Christmas tree decoration!

NB. Don’t worry, if you prefer coffee in beans or ground in other ways, just ask and it will be immediately prepared to measure for you!


We can also find the same coffees in the cotton Ernani Bag combined with the illustration that helps you in the tasting phase, showing the main characteristics and aromatic notes of each blend, not to forget the Ernani Guide to learn how to understand what really means quality coffee and how to recognize it!

What roasted bean lover wouldn’t be fascinated by this gift?!


A glass for smoothie, juice, juice, cocktail, filter coffee, water or tea in glass, with handle, cap and straw!

Filled with mixed Venchi and Majani chocolates!

Surely appreciated by a chocolate lover and perfect for making a little gift to your colleagues and colleagues.


A tray containing our Allegro 250g moka ground coffee, paired with artisan biscuits and traditional Majani milk and dark chocolate zests.


Also thought of as a perfect gift for your friends and colleagues: a rigid and reusable canvas bag containing the Allegro 250g ground for mocha pack, a dark Venchi cremino bar and the artisan biscuits created by Ernani!


This time we find many flavors, but not coffee, biscuits!

Then the two variants of artisan biscuits together with the timeless Allegro 250g ground for mocha blend and the mixed Venchi Christmas chocolates.


Even more taste with the third palm tray: four different types of biscuits always combined with our 250g Allegro blend ground for moka.

In short, there is no shortage of choice and I repeat these are just some of the baskets ready and displayed in the shop!

I also take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas from me, from the Ernani team and from all the baristas at the Roastery in Milan!

We wish you Happy Holidays to spend with joy and love together with the people closest to you!

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager
Coffee Lover


Martina Mazzoleni

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager Coffee Lover

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