Coffee and culture: a perfect match

I maestri della tostatura media
An unprecedented new and creative collaboration has been born: we offer the union of the moment of reading, to a moment of tasting the beloved black drink, to satisfy all the senses in a synaesthetic experience!

Some time ago, I was approached by the Milan-based publishing house Another Coffee Stories about a project that immediately got me very excited: combining coffee and culture.

They asked me if we had any way to combine some coffee with their book releases, and immediately my head started grinding ideas.

We have always narrated, both in the roasting plant in Milan and on the website, all our coffees with the appropriate technical specifications to describe it; also through the immedesimation of the moment of tasting.

As you well know, each coffee has a well-defined and unique flavor and aroma profile that can bring back memories or make you feel different emotions.

There are coffees that are more edgy and unbalanced, others that are softer and more balanced. Some have a wider aromatic range, highlighting different sensations from time to time, while others are more focused on a few, but very intense, scents.

Why then not match each book with a specific coffee?

Each book conveys different fascinating experiences: romantic, hard, raw, adventurous and so on…
Hence, comes the idea of creating a synaesthetic experience, that is, perceiving multiple sensations together, stimulating sight and taste simultaneously.

With each Another Coffee Stories editions book purchased, you can receive a blend of Ernani Coffee expertly matched to the work. All in order to emphasize and embellish the peculiarities of each element and create a unique experience.

Interesting, isn’t it?

The publishing house

The publishing house was founded on December 4, 2020 as a laboratory of ideas for new publishing, which aims to break out of the usual industry logics to give voice to innovative and stimulating proposals. A young and open project that puts the author and his work in the foreground.

Indeed, the publishing house wants to build a fairer publishing industry that can offer authors the best possible recognition for their work. This is why it opposes the concept of “paid publishing” and seeks to give voice to the most innovative and inspiring proposals.

Another Coffee Stories is committed to accompanying writers from the creative stage to the distribution stage by putting in place an innovative promotion plan.

The publishing house’s project spans all literary genres: from fiction and poetry to nonfiction and also passing through graphic novels, photography and comics.

One of the peculiarities of Another Coffee Stories are the covers sewn on to the author and the novel, entirely handmade by the team’s illustrators, and the magnificent Zibbies characters, woolen puppets made entirely by hand, inspired by the characters in the books.

CEO and Founder

Anna Giada Altomare

City women with a Mary Poppins-like spirit, busy every day 24/7, but still able to make time for happy hour.

“I want to be a book leader who helps animals.”

This I said I wanted to be as a child, so much so that I wrote it down in my first Italian assignment in elementary school. I was definitely a little confused about how the world was going, but I was clear about the two things I loved right away: books and animals…a little later coffee arrived!

I hope this project excites you as much as it excites me!

If you would like to receive more information about books or cafes you can visit:

Or email me at [email protected]

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager
Coffee Lover


Martina Mazzoleni

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager Coffee Lover

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