Different coffees for different times of the day

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By now we have figured it out: there are coffees of all kinds, completely different from each other!

So why settle for one coffee forever?

Each coffee is appropriate for a specific time of day or precise experience!

I like to always have packages of all kinds available so that I can find what I am looking for!

But let’s better understand which coffee to pair with which moment!

As already explained in a variety of articles, which you can find CLICKING HERE >>

there are single-origin, Specialty Coffee and blends, there are arabica and robusta coffees, more aromatic, sweeter or more acidic, at different roast levels.

There is definitely one coffee that is more akin to your tastes than others, but it does not have to be the only one.

For example, I, Martina, marketing manager of Caffè Ernani, always like to make a double Stretto, our 100% robusta blend, in the morning . The most caffeinated of all the Ernani blends: strong, full-bodied, creamy and more bitter, perfect for a hearty latte.

In mid-morning, however, I prefer Harmony, still intense and creamy, but definitely sweeter, with hints of chocolate. When I still need a charge, but a more amiable coffee, perfect for drinking without sugar, Harmony is ideal.

After lunch as a ritual I choose the Allegro, a decidedly more fragrant and pleasantly acidic coffee, to end the meal in the best possible way and keep a great coffee flavor in my mouth.

If I am still in the mood for a coffee in the afternoon or evening instead I choose from the 100% Arabica offered by Ernani.

They are generally intensely aromatic and fragrant coffees, each time with different and well-defined flavor notes, with also lower caffeine content. Therefore, perfect for consumption even in the later hours of the day. The one I drink most often, however, is the Blue Diamond, which encapsulates the merits of as many as five different Ernani Arabica single-origins.

It is also the only 100% Arabica to come in capsules. When a little laziness comes out after the workday, I like the fact that I have a coffee already “ready to go.”

Finally, the evening is missing. I often crave a good cup of coffee after dinner as well, but I’m someone who senses caffeine a lot and can’t sleep at night if she drinks a late espresso! So in the evening I devote myself to Adagio, the decaffeinated coffee from Caffè Ernani..

Now I already know that some of you readers will turn up your noses and think, “I’d rather not sleep, but I don’t drink decaf!” Well, it’s time to drop this prejudice too and give it a try!

It is very true that a few decades ago all decaffeinated coffees lost in body, cream and taste. But as in all industries, there have been evolutions, changes and improvements in the world of coffee. New decaffeination technologies and techniques have been discovered, as well as fine-tuning those used in the past. By now, decaffeinated coffees are completely “normal” coffees: intense, aromatic, and full-bodied. Try it yourself and judge!

Test yourself with a blind tasting: ask someone to brew two coffees, one decaf and one not, while you try to guess which one is caffeine-free!

As I said at the beginning, however, there are not only different coffees for different times of the day, but also different coffees for different occasions!

Let me explain: my friends know very well how much I love coffee, and I slowly built up trust in them. Before, they didn’t believe me when I told them how vast and varied this world is, they almost thought I was an exaggeration.

But the many tasting experiences created in them awareness and confidence in my words, having experienced the pleasure of what I was telling them.

And now they are the ones asking me to let them try new flavors or alternative extraction methods!

That’s why I really enjoy our Sunday afternoons, when I invite everyone home before going out. Each time I offer a different coffee with paired with the best extraction method for the occasion, however, they are usually always single-origins extracted by percolation with paper filter tools, my favorites.

Last Sunday for example, I chose a Guatemala Huehuetenango, which we are testing as a new future single-origin for sale on Ernani, with extraction in Clever.

These methods give us a coffee that is longer than the classic Italian espresso, perfect for sipping leisurely while chatting in a group, almost more like the concept of tea. Preparation also becomes like a ritual in that it requires attention, time and precision, as well as being scenic.

Discover alternative extraction methods on our socials!

In contrast, when I get lazy, I use mono-portioned capsules.

In the morning in milk I love mocha, while in the afternoon I would never give up espresso.

Not forgetting a perfect cold brew in summer!

In short, as you can see, the extraction methods are many, but even more so the single-origin coffees, not to mention the blends, which are potentially endless.

Why limit yourself to only one type of coffee then?
Experiment! That’s the most fun part about being a coffee lover!

And if you need advice or more information contact me via email at [email protected] or a whatsapp message at +39 3756879940.

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager
Coffee Lover


Martina Mazzoleni

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager Coffee Lover

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