Greetings to 2021!

I maestri della tostatura media

This year has also passed.

A somewhat troubled year, but one that still brought joys.

A 2021 full of projects, during which we got to know you all a little better and thank you for the incredible support you give us every day!

All projects and initiatives are created for you, to offer you a different product than usual or to introduce you to the world of coffee and make you a part of it.

We have already told you, but at the risk of sounding boring, we will say it again: we really love coffee, we are passionate about it, and we want nothing more than to continue to increase our knowledge.

But all this becomes beautiful and concrete only if we can pass it on to you and all the coffee lovers in our community!

This year we created new products, such as:

  • The Ernani Moka with double bottom and heat diffuser CLICK HERE. >>
  • Women’s Coffee, through which we protect gender equality throughout the supply chain CLICK HERE. >>
  • The For the Planet blend, with which we plant trees according to the Plant&Protect project in collaboration with Gone West CLICK HERE. >>

And all this is so you can discover a little more about what can be hidden behind a cup of coffee!

Coffee is togetherness, it is support, it is teamwork, it is art, it is respect, it is passion and pleasure.

This is what we want to communicate with our products!

Then we made new agreements with:

  • Como 1907 soccer, a historic team of the city of Como in Serie B;
  • Pallacanestro Aurora Desio, Brianza’s historic B-series team CLICK HERE >>;
  • Another coffee Stories, a young and modern publishing house CLICK HERE. >>

And all this was only possible because of the right team, united and cohesive, with the same common desire to grow and improve together! Get to know them all >>

We experimented with new extraction methods, such as Chemex, Clever, Cold brew, Mocha, Syphon and so on.

We have created initiatives to improve the roasting experience:

  • New drinks such as Winter drink or Horror milk;
  • Each month we offer a new bulk coffee in silos for you to try at home;
  • Every two weeks we insert a new countertop coffee to be extracted into espresso, giving you the opportunity to learn about all the different nuances of different coffees!
  • And new extraction methods will also be coming soon.

Also at our roastery, we also introduced a whole line of plant-based products, thanks to a collaboration with the folks at In.vece!

From soy and oat vegetable milk to coconut-based caramel spread. Gold and Chai milk drinks and finally 100% plant-based breakfast cookies.

We then confirmed for next year the products of:

  • Meridians, excellent high quality, carefully selected, whole-leaf teas with compostable, modern and attractive packaging;
  • String, fruit-only jams, cooked at low temperatures to keep all the qualities of the selected fruit intact;
  • G.A.R. 100% natural Italian honeys, thanks to the union of several specialized beekeepers.

Then what?

The communication project is continuing as usual!

But do you know what’s the news I care most about? Do you know which project I am most proud of?

The Ernani Academy!

We finally have a place to meet and spend time together! A space created especially for learning about and touching coffee!

To get all the information ask by email at [email protected] or on whatsapp at +39 3756879940.

I look forward to meeting you all and exchanging ideas.

In short, a very full year! But again, nothing would have been possible without you! Without your support Ernani would not even exist. We are immensely grateful, and it is this spirit that gives us the charge to improve for you!

Thank you,

Martina Mazzoleni

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager
Coffee Lover


Martina Mazzoleni

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager Coffee Lover

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