Recipe: Long Island Coffee – Ernani Drink

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Buenos Aires Ice coffee is a refreshing, thirst quenching, energizing and really tasty drink!

It was created by our bartender Marco of the Corso Buenos Aires Coffee Roastery. Since Marco comes from years of working in nightclubs, where he enjoyed experimenting and tasting new flavors we felt he was the best person to entrust the task to!

It is inspired by the famous Long island Iced tea, loved and tasted at least once by just about everyone. And then the idea: let’s take out the cola and add coffee!

I am a true lover of Long Island and I admit I was a bit skeptical at first, but once I tried it, I fell in love with it and now I can’t live without it!

The preparation is not very complex, but to get the best out of it you have to be precise in the doses, otherwise there is a risk that the flavors will not be balanced and thus cover up one or more of the other elements.

But on to us.

To make a Buenos Aires Ice coffee you need:
  • Ice
  • ½ oz (or about 15 milliliters) of Triple sec
  • ½ oz (or about 15 milliliters) of Vodka
  • ½ oz (or about 15 milliliters) of Gin
  • ½ oz (or about 15 milliliters) of white rum
  • 1 long coffee
  • water
  • orzata
  • decorative lemon slice
  1. Start by getting a large glass.
  2. Pour ice inside and stir to let the glass cool well. Then drain the water that will have formed.
  3. Now pour in equal parts all the alcohol ingredients, so the Triple sec, Disaronno, White Rum and Vodka.
  4. In a separate glass prepare water and orzata. Depending on your preference pour more barley water or more water. If you prefer sweet drinks, abound with the former; if you prefer drier drinks, dilute copiously with the latter.
  5. Pour the resulting mixture inside the glass, reaching almost to the brim.
  6. At this point, all you have to do is add your long coffee, give everything a stir, and you’re done!
  7. Add a decorative lemon slice last and taste it!
Be careful about the coffee you use!

In this case it must be very full-bodied and intensely flavored if you select a milder one, it risks getting lost in the mix of all the other flavors.

For this I recommend 3 different Ernani blends:
  • Harmony , full-bodied and creamy with an intense cocoa aroma;
  • Lively , also full-bodied and creamy but with more citrusy and fresh notes;
  • Stretto , a really well-structured, intense, full-bodied coffee with a more spicy and bitter flavor profile.

As you can see it is not difficult to recreate it, just use the right amounts of all the ingredients!

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager
Coffee Lover



Martina Mazzoleni

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager Coffee Lover

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