Shaken Coffee Recipe

I maestri della tostatura media

Temperatures are starting to rise, slowly we are getting back to going outside, albeit with all the right precautions, and we are finally back to hanging out at our favorite bars.

At Torrefazione we had the pleasure of seeing so many of you again, and the honor of preparing for you again a professionally extracted espresso, which you had missed so much during this period.

During the sunny afternoons of a springtime Milan, one of the most popular requests made to our incredible baristas is tasty shaken coffee.

A velvety, creamy drink that combines the vigor of espresso with the freshness of ice.

Although we are used to reserving this treat for ourselves only in the out-of-home, it is actually very simple to make at home as well. It only takes a few simple ingredients that you will already have on hand in your kitchen.

And even if you don’t have a shaker on hand, you can easily replace it with a glass jar. The result will be identical!

But now we get into the nitty-gritty of preparation.

Ingredients for 1 person:
  • 1 cup of Caffè Ernani, preferably long
  • 2 teaspoons of liquid sugar
  • 4 ice cubes
  1. Place the glass and shaker, or glass jar in the freezer for a few minutes.
  2. While they are cooling, start by preparing the liquid sugar.
    Just mix 1 teaspoon good full of sugar and 1 teaspoon of boiling water. And the game is done.
    Once ready let it cool a few minutes.
    It is an essential ingredient if you want to recreate that beautiful, thick foam on the surface. In fact, it is the reaction of the liquid sugar in contact with the ice that creates that frothy, light hazelnut-colored cream, giving the drink its classic inviting appearance.
  3. Make long coffee, with the machine you are most comfortable with, the end result will be similar in all cases.
  4. When everything has cooled, take the shaker out of the freezer, insert the 4 ice cubes and add the sugar. Lastly, pour in the freshly brewed coffee as well.
    Close the shaker, or glass jar, and shake vigorously for about 20 seconds.
  5. All you need to do is serve him. With the help of the strainer, a tool that blocks the ice and allows only the coffee to spill, pour the drink inside the already chilled glass. If you do not have the strainer, just use a spoon.
4 tips to make it perfect:
  1. Cooling the shaker and glass is very important to be able to form a more consistent cream;
  2. Ideally, liquid sugar should be used, precisely to allow the cream to become light and velvety. However, if you prefer to use granulated sugar, I recommend being more energetic and quicker in shaking the shaker or glass jar;
  3. To make the most of all the aromas given off by this drink and its incredible texture, it is best to drink it immediately after preparation;
  4. From the time you pour the coffee inside the shaker, the only hot element, try to be as quick as possible to complete the remaining steps to prevent the ice from melting too much and thus making your shake too “watered down.”

But why limit yourself to this?

The basic recipe can be made more mouthwatering by adding other ingredients, the most commonly used of which are:
  • Vanilla, both alcoholic and nonalcoholic, added to the inside of the shaker before shaking;
  • A dusting on the surface of bitter cocoa or cinnamon;
  • Whole coffee beans or chocolate chips, lying on the surface and held suspended by the thick cream;
  • A liqueur to always add to the inside of the shaker before shaking it. The most commonly used are cream of whiskey and sambuca, but personally I love the sweet touch of Disaronno almonds;
  • Finally, it can also be drunk bitter. The result will be slightly different, as the cream will not be able to form as in the traditional recipe.

Are you curious to try to recreate this masterful Italian bar classic?

And if you want to experiment with new flavors and combinations that are different every time, we are waiting for you at our Torrefazione in Corso Buenos Aires to keep you company with an excellent shaken coffee, custom-made for you, according to your personal requests, refreshing and suitable for a thirst-quenching break during your walks along the Corso.

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager
Coffee Lover


Martina Mazzoleni

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager Coffee Lover

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