At Caffè Ernani, we believe that putting the consumer at the center is crucial.
Let me explain: our goal is yes to sell products, but it is certainly not the only or necessarily the most important one!
We on the Ernani team are truly passionate about and fascinated by such a vast and wonderful world as coffee can be.
Therefore, day after day, we strive to try to transfer our passion and knowledge to you as well.
We firmly believe that you need to be aware of what you are buying. It is important to know that you can trust the label, that you can distinguish a quality product from a shoddy one, that you can tell if lies are hidden behind “ad campaigns” extolling sometimes nonexistent qualities.
We believe that being fair to the consumer and putting him or her in front of valid, factual information that he or she can verify in complete autonomy is an ethically sound project. Not only for us, but primarily for the consumer himself.
This is automatically reflected in the way we work.
In fact, our idea is very clear: a medium-roasted coffee, intensely fragrant, never overly bitter, rich in flavor, and perfect to enjoy without sugar.
All accompanied by continuous experimentation, growth and development of ourselves and consequently of the product.
In fact, in numerous articles we have covered all the topics listed above in great depth, just so that you can inform yourself and understand what this fateful “medium roast” is, the benefits you can get from it, the aroma you will find in the selected coffee, the creaminess and the full-bodiedness, and thus predict the result you will get in the cup.
Coffee is a huge world: there are hundreds of different varieties, hundreds of thousands of roasters, each with its different blends, dozens of different extraction methods, and the personal touch that each of us gives at the moment of extraction.
And I’m sure we can all find the perfect drink for us that suits everyone’s taste.
When it comes to personal taste, there is no such thing as a universally better or higher quality coffee. It all depends on your preferences!
If you are looking for a certain benefit or feature in particular, you must be satisfied with the product that meets your very desires.
That’s why our product sheets are so detailed. Because we want to give you a 360-degree understanding of the product, give you a chance to figure out if it’s what you’re looking for or if it’s better to go for another coffee from the Ernani family.
For example: I want to experiment with the world of single-origin Arabica, but I’m afraid to find coffees that are too acidic and that I might not like … perfect, you have to go for Brazilian Santos Cerrado Bom Chocolate.
On the contrary I want a coffee that is rich in caffeine, intense, creamy, full-bodied, strong, that gives me like a slap in the morning to wake up… then there is no doubt the Stretto blend is the one.
Or again: I want neither a sour coffee nor a coffee that is too strong and bitter…then the Vivace blend is the perfect middle ground.
Or finally: I would like to start drinking coffee without sugar … depending on the aftertaste, Allegro and Armonia blends are the most appropriate.
I could go on like this for a long time.
But what makes this exceptional?
I will never stop repeating this. A knowledgeable and trained customer can immediately recognize the quality and sincerity of a product or label. And it is right that it should be so!
He also can tell which product or company he can trust and which he cannot. Our goal is not to sell you as much coffee as possible, but to meet your needs. Being able to find what you were looking for to make you really happy. Exactly as we are when we drink exceptional coffee. The feeling of immediately wanting another one so as not to give up that incredible taste.
We at the Ernani team want to make you smile with every sip.
But not only that!
We would like to transfer our passion to you, so that we can experiment together, be able to taste different coffees, each with its own peculiarities, while keeping an open mind to the new. We would like your opinion on each blend or single-origin, we would like you to enjoy the tasting as much as we do.
But still not enough!
Behind every café is a unique story. Why not get to know her? Why not know exactly where those grains came from? Find out how they were grown, by whom, according to what techniques, and then understand why the result is what we are tasting.
Our commitment is continuous, through the weekly ABCoffe blog, through the Guide “How to recognize a quality coffee: before, during and after tasting,” through the use of our social pages, photos and videos with lots of little tips and trivia, through visits to the roasting laboratory, tasting classes and finally thanks to the guys at the Milan roasting facility, trained ad hoc to follow you through each tasting and explain the peculiarities of as many as 12 different coffees.
But the most beautiful thing?
Being able to establish a relationship with every customer or even just all the people who feel like asking questions, so that we have communication from us to you, but also from you to us at Ernani.
We are always available to respond to all your messages!
Write to us at [email protected] or in Instagram or Facebook DMs.
I look forward to seeing you in the workshop!
Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager
Coffee Lover