The women of Caffè Ernani: Francesca

I maestri della tostatura media
Foto di Francesca, una barista della Torrefazione Ernani a Milano con la divisa estiva (grembiule Ernani e maglietta bianca mezze maniche) dietro al bancone del locale.
Hello Francesca! First of all, thank you for taking the time to interview me.
You joined the team in March 2023. You have had the opportunity to settle in, get to know and make yourself known to colleagues and customers.
Now it’s time to get your first impressions.

The first thing I thought was: “There’s work to be done here and I really have to commit myself”.

It may seem that I was not happy, but it is quite the opposite.

I immediately understood that this job and this place would give me many challenges to overcome.

In this place I started getting serious, and I’d say thank goodness!

I understood that I wanted to become a hard worker: experienced and professional!

Overall, in fact, now I tell you that I like everything: the days go by quickly and every day there is a way to learn something new, without ever getting bored.

Finally, what motivates me most is the contact with the customer, being able to talk to people, discussing.

Not to mention the colleagues who have welcomed me, taken me on and made me grow with such perseverance and patience.

You’ve all been telling me lately, I’m happy to feel this climate of mutual respect and friendship!
Then hearing how the “old generations” welcome you “new” ones to make you grow, teaching you the values ​​of this job is priceless!
Returning to us, didn’t you expect it to be so “tough” because you’ve never done this job before?

Let’s say that I started from the Hairdressing Diploma, but unfortunately I lost interest in the world of hairstyles, so I threw myself into something else.

The only other job I’ve ever had was at a well-known fast food chain and it was completely different.

There are no well-defined roles there, or rather they exist, but all of us on the staff work continuously. So it’s hard to get really good at something if you have a new role, responsibilities and tasks every week.

While here in Torrefazione Ernani I have the opportunity to specialize in certain tasks and get to know them in the most in-depth way possible.

Then it’s true, I didn’t expect it to be so dynamic, but I already knew it in part. In fact, my family has always had great experiences in this business and the stories or anecdotes at home have never been lacking!

Young and determined… congratulations!
And I also confirm that yes, I too grew up in this world a bit, but hearing stories and experiencing them firsthand is a completely different thing. I remember how shocked I was by the difficulty of this job, which at the same time gives joy and many recognitions. An aspect that many underestimate.
But taking a step back, tell us how you got here at Caffè Ernani?

As almost all my colleagues a bit by chance.

I was looking for a full-time job and thanks to word of mouth I have been introduced to you.

So here I am ready for this new adventure, even if it started six months ago.

Simple and painless!
Now I’m curious about your goal for the future.

It will seem really strange to you, but my main goal is to be able to get to work with children. Partly because I love them madly and I adore being in contact with them.

Then because I think that educating and watching little humans grow up gives you unique satisfaction!

I’m still far from reaching it, as I stopped my studies for a moment to dedicate myself to work, but I’ll start again as soon as possible and I’ll be able to reach my dream, I’m sure of it!

I wish you to get there with all my heart. If you have a specific goal in mind you are already halfway there, now you have to work to achieve it!
So we can say that contact with people and in particular with children is a bit of your passion. Do you also have hobbies?

I don’t have many because I spend most of my time with my friends and family.

However, I like to dance, even if I stopped taking lessons since September 2022, and go to the gym.

In general I consider myself a sporty person, who loves being on the move and finding satisfaction in overcoming my limits.

It shows! I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say “I’m tired” once, thanks to your desire for life!
To conclude, then I’ll let you get back to your work, I’d ask you the usual usual questions:
  • What do you like most about Ernani?
  • What would you change instead?

As already mentioned, and as I also read in Cristian’s last interview, we all agree that the team is the best aspect.

They are all wonderful and I don’t even know how to explain it, but they are wonderful people, patient, cooperative, supportive, etc. I couldn’t ask for anything different or better.

While what I would perhaps change is the possibility, even if I know that today there is no space, of being able to have seats and tables inside the cafè, to allow customers to sit down and above all to be able to dedicate themselves in a better and more relaxed way to cup lovers.

Once again I agree with you on everything!
What can I say Francesca, thank you so much for your time and for telling us so many things about you.
I wish you all the best in your future!
See you soon in Roasting!

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager
Coffee Lover


Martina Mazzoleni

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager Coffee Lover

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