What do you think of us?

I maestri della tostatura media

Today I bring you an article that is a little different from the usual, a little outside the knowledge of coffee, but I think just as important.

What do those who have already purchased our coffee think of us?

To collect reviews, we relied on Trustpilot: a platform open to all companies and customers to share experiences, with the aim of helping companies improve based on customer feedback.

The goal of the founders of Trustpilot, is to become the most trusted review platform in the world. Authenticity is therefore the founding pillar of their policy.

But let’s cut to the chase! What do our customers think of us?

Already from the average score we can only be proud and happy! A good 4.8 out of 5!

What can I say… Thank you!

If you want to read all the reviews just view our profile on Trustpilot >>

Also I would like to point out that responding to everyone is important to us, as you can see by clicking the link above.

But now let’s comment on them together to get to know Coffee Ernani a little more!

Emilio touches on all our main points with very few words, capable of getting straight to the point.

First of all, I thank him for considering our coffee “great” and this is definitely the most important feedback.

And the same goes for roasting. Since we at Ernani are roasters, recognizing research in this coffee variable is so important!

But one thing pleased me even more: the “to each his own” comment.

As you will also see in subsequent reviews, it is critical for us to offer several coffees so you can find the right one!

Coffees are not all the same; there are different species, varieties, processing, roasts, and extractions. We decided to select “iconic” coffees that cover a broad spectrum of these differences, to give anyone the opportunity to be able to choose the right coffee that suits their taste.

But we also know that not everyone is a coffee expert. We cannot all be maximum experts on everything. So we created a simple, intuitive and quick test, which with only 3 questions suggests the Ernani coffee most akin to your tastes!

We are also very pleased with this review, precisely because Maui decided to rely on us despite not knowing us yet. And from what he writes his expectations have not been disappointed, quite the contrary!

We were able to give him what he was looking for: superior quality coffee to indulge in a moment of true pleasure.

And that is precisely why we roast coffee, to give anyone the opportunity to recognize quality, defect-free, medium-roasted coffee!

In fact, thanks to our medium roasting we are able to maximize all the merits of carefully selected raw coffees and give the cup an intense and well-defined aroma.

Something that cannot be achieved with classic dark roasting, or also referred to as “Italian-style” roasting, which goes so far as to almost burn the coffee.

At this point you must be asking yourself, “Why, if it is so obvious that medium roasting is the best, doesn’t everyone do it?”

Because it is not that simple!

In order to make an average roast, the coffee must necessarily be free of defects, because on the one hand it enhances the merits, but on the other hand it also enhances all the defects of the beans. Obviously, a faultless coffee is harder to find, select, maintain, and is also more expensive!

Those who therefore aim for quality while keeping a lower final price must necessarily take a coffee with flaws and then roast it a lot to try to hide them with the great hint of bitterness and burnt, in technical jargon called “empyreumatic.”

And so here is also the answer to one of the most common questions you ask me, “Why is it often when I drink coffee at the café that it is bitter?”

Just because of the chosen degree of roasting and the low quality of raw coffee!

If you want to learn more about this, on caffeernani.com in the ABCoffee blog there are many articles on the subject!

Everything I have just told you is also reflected in the penultimate review I offer, Claudio’s.

He too trusted us and decided to test different coffees to finally find the right one for his taste!

I then also echo the second comment in your review, “the excellent Adagio decaf.” Because the same careful selection and experimentation that we place on “normal” coffees, we also place on decaffeinated coffee!

I had written a dedicated article on the subject, in which I not only explain our Adagio, but also tell you about the process and the different methods that led to removing the caffeine from the bean and also making it decerated, thus more digestible!

Now we come to the last review!

Yes you saw right! I put the worst review we got, which still gives a 3 out of 5 star rating!

I chose it for 2 reasons:

  • Transparency: crucial for us at Ernani! In fact, even negative feedback can be helpful for us to improve and for you to understand better!
  • To help you in case you had the same problem.

Let’s start with an assumption: acidity in coffee is a virtue!

A coffee that does not express acidity is considered of poor quality objectively and according to internationally defined parameters.

Having said that, however, I also understand that you cannot force anyone to appreciate a quality that in tasting disturbs them. Of course with experience and tasting only quality coffee you will never be able to do without it again, I say this from personal experience!

But I repeat: taste is taste and cannot be debated! You just have to choose the right coffee!

But don’t worry we have thought of you too!

In fact, not all the coffees we offer have fresher, more citrusy flavor notes, precisely to offer a wide range of coffees that can cover different tastes!

Our suitable blends for you will therefore be Vivace and Stretto, as well as Adagio if you want decaffeinated!

Take the test if you want to discover the perfect coffee for you! >>

I don’t know how to explain how much these reviews please me and the whole team. When we started roasting coffee somewhat differently from traditional methods, we were afraid that we would not be understood or that we were getting ahead of ourselves. But a few years later all our work has paid off.

And this is only possible because of our customers and you getting informed and hearing new information.

We can only say thank you a thousand times and continue to do our best to offer more and more quality coffee.

I am also waiting for your feedback!

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager
Coffee Lover


Martina Mazzoleni

Marketing, E-commerce e Social Media Manager Coffee Lover

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